Enviropeel-Treated Flange Weathers Hurricane Harvey Flooding with Ease
Not surprisingly, despite floods, storms and Hurricane Harvey, the bare metal substrate remains completely free of corrosion and previously corroded areas can be wiped clean of rust.
Flange Protection in the North Sea
Enviropeel has been successfully protecting flange bolts on offshore platforms around the world for many years. So, when North Sea operators needed help with bolt corrosion impacting a new platform, Enviropeel was chosen to stop the developing bolt corrosion and protect hundreds of vulnerable flanges.
Preventing Equipment Corrosion in a Limestone Quarry
Conveyor roller bearings were being constantly exposed to limestone dust and water, a particularly corrosive combination that meant the bearings only had a lifespan of about two to six months.
How to Protect Wind Turbine Foundation Bolts from the Effects of Corrosion
A standard 1.5-megawatt wind turbine stands over 320 feet tall (including blades) and weighs over 164 tons. Protecting wind turbine foundation bolts from the effects of corrosion is of utmost importance.
Bearings in Australia still spinning 12 years after Enviropeel application
Enviropeel was was first introduced and pioneered in Australia by a UK engineer working in Australia for his family business.