Underwater coating application may seems like an impossible dream but, when you use Alocit, it's easy!
Most people would have no wish or need to paint underwater but, if you have a pile coating that is damaged during installation, a gas rig with legs that need repair, or anything underwater with a protective coating that has suffered wear and tear - then you need to do something about it. The range of applications requiring underwater or splash-zone coating is huge:
Subsea Pipelines
Offshore Platforms
Wharfs & Jetties
Marine Facilities
Large Single Buoy Moorings (SBM)
Ship's Hulls
Lock Gates
Bridge Piles
Steel & Concrete Piles
But, the ability to coat in the wet has an even wider range of applications: on sweating pipes, after water blasting, on green concrete ... the list is potentially endless! And, the most amazing thing about it is how straightforward and cost-effective such coating can be.
Of course, mobilizing personnel, divers etc. adds cost ... but the surface preparation and brush application techniques are the same for application in the dry, across the splash zone and underwater. The video on the right, for example, shows New Zealand navy divers applying Alocit to a repaired prop shaft. Without Alocit, the vessel would have needed a drydock. As it was, all it took was a couple of divers and a tin of Alocit.
For more information, case histories, technical and safety data, please go to our Resources page.
Left: a diver applies Alocit to a gas platform. Above: a diver pauses halfway through a subsea repair to a Hyundai SBM. Below: NZ navy divers coat a damaged prop shaft.