Enviropeel prides itself on its ability to keep its customers’ production lines running at maximum efficiency, regularly working with industry partners to maximize its outreach.
One such partner is Motion Industries (MI), one of the leading parts and maintenance organizations in North America. For several years now, Enviropeel (EP) has worked with various MI sales groups to provide EP services, using its own teams for MI customers, mainly on conveyor bearings, with considerable success.
In the spring of 2024 Enviropeel began working with the newly formed USA Motion Repair andServices Group, who have launched a wideranging field services offer to their customers. Eugene, Oregon was the first location to addEnviropeel as an in-house and field service,followed by Denver, CO and Phoenix, AZ. Soon Salt Lake City, UT and Houston, TX will be added to the list of MI locations offering Enviropeel as internal and field service options. Enviropeel is now SAP for all MI pulley rebuild protection.
MI has also put quite a bit of time, energy and investment into the Enviropeel product line, exhibiting at Minexpo 2024 with EP highlighted in the MI Repair and Services area of their booth. The Enviropeel sales team has met with several US and Canadian sales/service teams to educate their groups on the many benefits of Enviropeel protection in corrosive environments, storage and vulnerable rotating equipment.
So, if you have bearings of any kind that need a little TLC, go to MI and get some EP ASAP!
Pictured: Enviropeel on display with Motion Industries at Minexpo 2024 and one of many applications carried out by Motion Industries personnel using Enviropeel.

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Shell Oil Co. Includes Enviropeel in Recommendations for Maintenance
Several years ago we published a study describing an Enviropeel application on very rusty well heads in the North Sea. Years later, a Shell report shows our work still holds its integrity. This report has now been incorporated by Shell into its recommendations for maintenance purposes in atmospheric conditions.